วันจันทร์ที่ 24 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Comments from irate KI-Media Reader

Respected KI-Media Readers,

An anonymous irate KI-Media reader posted the following comment and questions in regards to Joshua Kurlantzick's article "Saved by the crown":
While HM King Sihamoni is building homes for his poor people in Nikum Preah Norodom Sihamoni, there may be Hanoi's spies hidden in KI refusing to post the King's works. Why is KI afraid of?

Khmer King, King Sihamoni of Cambodia serves his subjects, KI never posted. Why is that?

Are some members of KI, Vietnamese spies?

We would like to provide some clarifications to the allegations above:

  1. In regards to Hanoi's spies hidden in KI: if this irate reader is referring to Hanoi's spies among KI-Media readers, we would not be able to deny it. The last we heard, there are many officials in the Phnom Penh regime - many of whom were installed in power by Hanoi - who do read and follow news on KI-Media. As for KI-Media team members, please see item 3 below.
  2. Regarding KI-Media not posting the achievements by King Sihamoni of Cambodia: King Sihamoni's achievements have a entire "professional" website dedicated to this matter. Therefore, with our very limited resources, we do not feel that posting them on KI-Media would provide justice the king's achievements. If you are a follower of Cambodia's royalties, you may already know the king's website, for all others, please click here.
  3. Are some members of KI, Vietnamese spies? As we indicated above, we cannot attest the allegiance of our readers, but we can confirm that none of our team members receive compensations for our work from Hanoi, nor are we ever invited to visit Hanoi to strengthen the millennia friendship with our Big-Brother-neighbor. Furthermore, none of us ever lost the Khmer throne for helping reunite the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese so that they can come to invade and occupy Cambodia. Last but not least, after thorough background check, none of our team members are related to Queen Ang Mey or King Chey Chetha II. Would all that qualify us of being not-Vietnamese spies? Maybe, maybe not. What do you think?

KI-Media team

