วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Remove the Gag on Cambodian Journalists: CCHR

Cartoon by Sacrava

Click on the CCHR statement in Khmer to zoom in

Cambodian Center for Human Rights

Phnom Penh, 2 May 2010
For immediate release

World Press Freedom Day:
Remove the Gag on Cambodian Journalists

Last week saw the surviving correspondents, cameramen and photographers who covered the Cambodia Civil War and the fall of Phnom Penh to the Khmer Rouge, meet in Cambodia to reflect on their role and commemorate their fallen colleagues. On the occasion of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (“UNESCO”) World Press Freedom Day, to be marked on Monday 3 May 2010, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (the “CCHR”) expresses its deep concern that journalists in Cambodia still face intimidation, harassment, violent attacks and even death, and calls on the Royal Government of Cambodia (the “RGC”) to ensure that journalists are able to exercise their fundamental right of freedom of expression, free from threats and intimidation.

The CCHR marks World Press Freedom Day under the shadow of the steady deterioration of media freedom in Cambodia. Since Cambodia’s transition to democracy in 1992, there have been at least 11 reported killings of journalists and media workers who expressed criticism of the RGC. Today, journalists and other media workers continue to face harassment, whilst politically-motivated legal charges are levied against members of the press to stifle political debate and silence criticism. Such actions violate the fundamental right of freedom of expression as guaranteed in Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and enshrined in Article 31 of the Constitution of Cambodia. The excessive use of repressive legislation and the climate of fear – made real by criminal sanctions and prosecution, intimidation and harassment – prevent openjournalism in Cambodia, forcing media professionals to use self-censorship to avoid offending the rich and powerful.

CCHR President Ou Virak stated: “A free, independent and pluralistic press is a vital pillar of democracy, and freedom of expression is a fundamental human right. Democracy cannot be achieved without freedom of expression and an independent media that is able to raise questions, criticize, and open the space for debate and dialogue. Democratic participation depends on people who are well informed. A free press that is able to distribute a range of information represents an important instrument with which the public can hold the government and other actors accountable.” Ou Virak added: “The gag on Cambodian journalists is stifling democracy and human rights in Cambodia.”

The CCHR calls on the RGC to promote and protect freedom of expression and press freedom in Cambodia. The CCHR expresses its support for journalists in Cambodia who regularly face intimidation, violence and the threat of legal action in the pursuit of truth, justice and accountability; and pays tribute to those members of the press whose fight to uphold the fundamental principles of freedom of expression and democracy has cost them their lives:

Name: Killed
• Thou Char Mongkol: 11th June 1994
• Non Chan: 7th September 1994
• Chan Dara: 8th December 1994
• Thun Bunly: 18th May 1996
• Chet Duong Daravuth: 30th March 1997
• Pich Em: 4th May 1997
• Michael Sokhan/Senior: 7th July 1997
• Ou Saroeun: 14th October 1997
• Chour Chetharith: 18th October 2003
• Pov Sam Ath: 26th April 2007
• Khim Sambo: 11th July 2008

For more information, please contact:
Mr. Ou Virak, President, CCHR
Tel: +855 12 404051
Email: ouvirak@cchrcambodia.org

